Canadian Colleges and Institutes collaborating for Social ImpAct: Together Farther!
Friday, March 4, 2022
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM (EST)
Colleges and Institutes Canada

ImpAct is a three-year project backed by the McConnell Foundation under the patronage of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. It builds on the common values and aspirations of CICan members and amplifies the college and institute system’s contributions to economic and social development, community well-being and a sustainable future by supporting collaborative approaches to advance the SDGs. The aim of ImpAct is to convene colleges and institutes to co-create initiatives that contribute to their shared vision of Better Futures and People and Communities through four national Project Working Groups (Social Entrepreneurship, Campus Sustainability, Reducing Barriers to Inclusive Access and SDG Accord). The panel and workshop will explore how to further scale such initiatives.


  • Zeina Sleiman, Reducing Barriers to Inclusive Access Project Working Group (Academic Projects and Innovation Lead, NorQuest College)
  • Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, Campus Sustainability Project Working Group (Director, Facilities and Protection Services, College La Cite)
  • Sheri Williams, Social Entrepreneurship Project Working Group (Manager, Entrepreneurship, Nova Scotia Community College)
  • Chris Adam, SDG Accord Project Working Group (Team Manager - Sustainability Office, Dawson College)